International School for Psychotherapy

International School for Psychotherapy

International School for Psychotherapy, Counseling and Group Leadership

Training Program

The first year (400 hours) provides experience with individual and group work through tutorials, workshops, and seminars designed to teach basic knowledge and skills in counseling within a humanistic/existential framework. It also includes individual psychotherapy, peer supervision, readings, and the study of audio/visual material.

The second year (400 hours) focuses on a study of the deeper processes of psychotherapy and proceeds with individual psychotherapy for students, tutorials, supervision, etc. Workshops and seminars include the participation of Western trainers, who, in cooperation with Russian tutors and supervisors, help the students further develop their psychotherapeutic skills.

The third year (400 hours) focuses on the integration of the previous two years’ work into professional practice and on the challenges, problems, and dynamics of group leadership in therapy, training, and management groups.


The faculty consists of:

Russian practical psychologists and psychotherapists who have had their professional training at the universities and clinics of Russia, the United States, and Norway.

Professionals from North America and Western Europe.


The complete training program encompasses three years (400 hours each) and provides educational opportunities from September through June during evenings and weekends. These opportunities include training groups, workshops, small group tutorials (from 5 to 7 students in a group), supervision and supervision practice, individual and group therapy and practice, readings, and the study of audio/video materials. The program is designed to complement the student’s on-going professional work.

The School library provides a good collection of modern literature on practical psychology and 150 video-and 200 audio-tapes with trainings, lectures, and workshops of the leading professionals in the field.

Regular supervision by Western colleagues is possible through telecommunication networks.

HARMONY Institute for Psychotherapy and Counseling © 2009 / design Myworks